Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Easy Raglan KAL Progress

On Ravelry, Susan B. Anderson is running a KAL, along with Wendy Bernard, during which hundreds of us are following directions, step by step, to make a custom-fit raglan pullover.  It feels sooooo slow going...but look...I'm about 4-5 inches away from being done with the body!  After I bind off the body, the sleeve stitches are on yarn so I'll be able to pick up the stitches and knit away on the sleeves...and hopefully they'll go faster than the body did!  Then I'll finish up the neckline, and it will be done...no seaming required!  That funny white line won't be there...it was a lifeline I used when I wanted to make sure I had all of the increases correct...I knew I didn't want to have to frog the whole thing and start again. 

Best part?  Looks like this project will actually fit me properly so I can get use out of it!


Anonymous said...

COOL ! Keep up the good work...

Sinéad said...

Top down! Go you! I love top down knitting. It's great to try on as you go and I think it makes the project feel like it's going faster.
But, the best bit? No seams!
Yours looks like it's going to fit you really well, and the colour suits you.