Friday, May 20, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day weekend this year had plenty of what I and crafting!  We headed to the beach spot, and while it was ugly Friday when we got there, we enjoyed a nice dinner with my brother-in-law and his wife, and when we woke up the next morning it was gorgeous outside.  The fellas headed out to do some pier fishing with Hubby's brother, and left me with quiet time.  I'll be honest, they were gone way too long.  The first couple of hours were awesome, then I didn't know what to do with myself after they were gone longer than originally planned.  But I enjoyed a walk on the beach, a leisurely golf cart ride, quiet store-browsing and lunch before I sat and started working on my Kusha Kusha.  The yarn is the yarn I purchased at Stitches in Atlanta, and I love how the colors look together.  Now I just have to decide on what to call it...Beachy Kusha Kusha?  Seaside Kusha Kusha? I can't make up my mind!  I think I'll have plenty of time to figure it out though!

Beachy Kusha Kusha

We enjoyed the pool and the rest of the evening...and the next morning Little Man gave me my presents he had made for me.  He made me a pirate ship arm puppet, a surfer on a surfboard, and...

a "pop-up" turtle book!  I LOVE IT!!!!

Turtle in the Ocean Book

He couldn't have made me anything sweeter.  I looked at his little face while he explained why he made certain pages the way he did, and Hubby looked at me and said," A pop-up book about sea turtles, you can tell he's your son."  And I thought, yeah, you amazing is that?!?!

Turtle in the Ocean Book

Turtle in the Ocean Book

Now my gift from Hubby is that he gave me the go-ahead to order something for myself that really caught my eye.  And for that I really have to thank Sinead!  She wrote on her blog about Maid of Clay on Etsy and how you can have personalized yarn bowls made...and I loved them!

It arrived a little before Mother's Day..and how exciting it was to see the reveal.  The bowl was hand-thrown especially for me.

Yarn sits in it instead of on the floor, and it feeds through the e.

I even love the bottom y'all! 

"Knitting Mends the Soul"


Anonymous said...

How cool is that yarn bowl! You hadn't told me about it..or I forgot. The pop-up book by my Grandson warmed my heart. Sounds like it was just what a good Mom needed to make her day.
Love,as always,Mom
P.S. Of course I bought Little Man those Twistable Crayola Crayons I was talking about!

Sinéad said...

I am consumed. Consumed with jealousy over your fab yarn bowl! Is it as good as it looks? I so want one of those. Little Man's turtle book is the best, he's so clever, making the egg behind the Mommy turtle. Bet you felt great when you got it.

Virtuous said...

I luuuuuuuvuv that yarn bowl!!