Monday, June 2, 2008

Charlotte Stitch N Pitch

So on Saturday evening Hubby, Little man and I went to the first Charlotte Stitch N Pitch organized by the Charlotte Knitting Guild. We drove about 40 minutes to the Charlotte Knights Stadium. After parking we found the Guild's table, picked up our tickets and goodie bags and entered our raffle tickets. We found the other knitters (and our seats) and settled in. I knit a little, talked a little, and, of course, watched the game. Between innings there were raffle prizes given out and in one batch I won a straight knitting needle cozy from Namaste. After that Little Man and I went walking around the stadium and picked up lemonade, water and cotton candy for Little Man. The lines were really long so by the time we got back we had been gone almost 3 innings. As we were walking down the steps I passed Stacey who said that hubby had something for me...and he did...A NAMASTE KNITTING BAG!! I had won another raffle prize while I was gone! After that we watched the rest of the game and then afterwards we watched a fireworks display. We got home late, and Little Man was extremely beat, but I think his first baseball game went well.

The goodie bags we received for attending the Stitch N Pitch included Namaste canvas bags, Namaste pens, and yarn and needle cards from The Needlecraft Center. I scored three bags since Hubby and Little Man also came along (and I purchased tickets for them).

My first raffle prize: a straight knitting needle holder by Namaste

My second raffle prize: a knitting bag from Namaste

The completed Fleur de Lis washcloth for the Charlotte Purls Charity KAL

I had some good times this past weekend, but like everyday, things reminded me of Pop kind of like a smack in the face. It's still sad, everyday. While watching Sex and the City one of the characters (on New Year's Eve) said to another character.."See you next year," the same thing I heard my Pop say a hundred times. I remember when I left for Germany when I was in high school and he said it...and I cried, it was the first time he had said it when it was true, I wouldn't see him for a year. There I was in the movie theater thinking of that, and then later that night we watched the fireworks after the game and I thought of how my Dad liked to stand out on our front porch and watch the fireworks. I looked over at my husband and he was thinking the same thing; about how many times we had all done that together, and how we wouldn't be doing it again. Sad thoughts I know, but I felt like sharing everything about my weekend, the fun and the not so fun. Hope yours was full of the fun!


Sereknitty said...

Quite the haul ... congratulations!

Nik said...

That bag is absolutely beautiful.