Saturday, January 7, 2017

Snow Day and Surprise Date Night

It's always exciting when we have a snow day where we have enough for it to be fun and not just a mess.  Last year was the first time I ever tried I admit I was excited to get out there too this year. There's a great hill on the golf course that families actually drive to...but we can walk there in 5 minutes! We took turns using the sled...and the moms even took a turn going down the hill together.

After snow fun Little Man and his friend came over and had hot chocolate and played. Then, his friend offered to have Little Man over for the night...and suddenly there we were unexpectedly alone. 

We sat and had dinner alone (with a candle...SO FANCY) and talked, and hardly knew how to act without Little Man there being his usual goofy self. It was nice to enjoy our spaghetti dinner without him being picky about the sauce.

It was a different kind of day in many ways.

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