Monday, June 26, 2017

Muenster Germany

Just an hour away from my host parents is the city of Muenster, where my host sisters live with their families. We stayed with my host sister Eva and visited with my other host sister Anne who took us on a walking tour of the city. We were also lucky in that the citywide yearlong Sculpture Project was open for us to see. We weren't able to see all of the exhibits, but what we did see made a big impression!

Little Man had a great time hanging out with Eva's daughter again. They rode around, splashed around in water in the garden and whittled wood. 

At Anna's house we had an amazing dinner on the balcony, and even enjoyed watching a blimp and hot air balloons!

If you get down at the right view it looks like these globes are floating on the lake!

We placed the Frankenstein sticker for my brother as a part of the art installation project he's working on....I even got his name in the shot!

When I realized my project bag was lost I kept my eyes open for a local yarn shop and look what I found! It took me less than 10 minutes to find new sock needles and some fun self-striping yarn. The ladies were so helpful and sweet! I would have loved to look around some more but we had a lot more of the city to see!

We walked by St Lamberti's church and talked to Little Man a bit about the history of it.

While walking we came across this part of Sculpture Project that had African art suspended in the trees above.

Here's my favorite spot from the project. To see the best view of what's written in the antennae, my host sister and I laid down in the grass and looked up. I read the words in German, and translated them out loud to English, the words say:

My Dear One! When you are lying in the grass, with your head thrown back, there is no one around you, and only the sound of the wind can be heard and you look up into the open sky – there, up above, is the blue sky and the clouds floating by – perhaps this is the very best thing that you have ever done or seen in your life.

In German it says:
Mein Lieber! Du liegst im Gras, den Kopf im Nacken, um dich herum keine Menschenseele, du hörst nur den Wind und schaust hinauf in den offenen Himmel – in das Blau dort oben, wo die Wolken ziehen - das ist vielleicht das Schönste, was du im Leben getan und gesehen hast.

Little Man and Hubby took a walking break on the lake in a pedalboat.

It was burning hot for Germany while we were walking around so after miles of walking I introduced Little Man and Hubby to a German creation...spaghetti ice cream! It's vanilla ice cream made to look at spaghetti and topped with a "sauce" made of was a hit with Little Man!

While we were sitting eating our frozen treats a little boy at the table next to ours dropped the ice cream right off his cone. When I looked down at it melting on the ground I thought it just looked like sadness. When his parents got him a new scoop it was in a cup :)

 We had such a great, jam-packed time in Muenster, and two days later we were on the road again!

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