Our pumpkin sort of made it through Halloween. It started going bad last week so we waited to carve it until the day before Halloween. By yesterday evening the lid was so soft it fell into the pumpkin. Drat! I blame it on the hot weather we had here up until last week. Still looked cute though.
This year Little Man dressed up as a Carolina Panthers football player. His Daddy was so proud. The other kids at his school loved his costume. In fact some of them were bullying him for the helmet. (Sometimes I really don't like children, I know, I'm a beast). When I went to watch his costume parade (more on that in a minute) this little boy pushed Little Man over pulled the helmet off his head and started running around with it. His teachers didn't intervene... so I did. I took the helmet. Yes, I did. Not forcefully, but I told him it wasn't safe to run around with it, and then I took it. See my son's daycare doesn't punish bullies. Oh no. They told us they would turn around so Little Man could hit back. Uh, no, that's not right. We explained that we don't want him learning to hit, we want him to learn how to work things out. That's not what they do, so, we're moving him next month.
Back to the festivities. Most of the kids weren't in costume (their parents don't recognize it), so the costume parade was a little interesting, but Little Man got raves on his costume and he had fun. (And there was a really cute turtle in his room!) He also painted a "pumpkin" while I was there. Later in the afternoon they had some non-candy treats, and the teachers gave them each real mini pumpkins and treat bags. Very nice.
Little Man liked the candy, a lot. But the trick or
treaters scared him, as have the skeleton decorations. He and I read Halloween books upstairs while Daddy handed out candy, and then we switched places and I handed out candy. We mostly got preteens and teenagers. You know, regular clothes wearing kids with plastic grocery bags who don't say trick or treat or thank you. Kind of killed it for me. Luckily, Little Man's smile put a smile on my face. Plus a few of the M & Ms he so generously shared with me!
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