Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mom's Up Next

My Mom...she likes linguini with white clam sauce, clams on the half shell, Kenny Rogers (pre-icky facelift), Debbie Macomber books and lighthouses (hence her screen name Capemayclimber). She enjoys shopping at Jo-Ann Fabrics (with me), coffee with milk, she voted for Hillary Clinton and she REALLY dislikes the "F" word and violent movies (which so often go hand in hand).

She taught me how to count with apples and oranges. And while my Dad sat me in the corner and told me to tie my shoes, my Mom sat down with me and showed me how to do it and helped me until I could do it myself. She tries not to take credit (or blame, depending on how you look at it) for me being the Crafty Chick I am, but every year my brother, sister and I got new watercolor sets and big boxes of crayons for Christmas) along with paper and glue sticks, etc.) We had stencils and paper and books to help us learn to draw. It's not surprising that she nurtured our creativity since she enjoyed sewing her own clothes when she was younger.

From my mother I learned:

-You don't have to like it, you just have to do it

-The worst form of discipline is a disappointed nod of the head

-A mother's love can make her fierce when she has to be (ask my Mom about the girl who spit on me)

-You get a lot further with a smile on your face

-How to listen to gross medical stories at the dinner table and still be able to eat ;)

My Mom is tough. You wouldn't think it to look at her, but when the going gets tough, she's tough. And she makes a mean batch of brownies...

Next up: My brother Marcus and some craft updates


Virtuous said...

I liked how you listed some of the lessons you learned from your mom!

Great pic with the grandbabies! :o)

Anonymous said...

i heart Rosemary!
