Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Fall Walk, a Buggie, and a CriCut

I know you probably think I misspelled cricket, but I'll get to that in a minute...

On Saturday we went to Little Man's swim class, and after watching a little Playhouse Disney, we went for a walk to enjoy the fall weather. Little Man set off with a container and some leaves and twigs, determined to find a "buggie" he could keep as a pet. We walked and walked, enjoying the colors of the leaves, the sunshine, the fresh air...and then he spotted one, a perfect little buggie friend he proudly carried during the rest of our walk.

After our walk, I left and headed to Connie's house where she had a CriCut (!) machine she gave me as her wonderful husband had surprised her with the super dooper CriCut expression. After showing me how it worked (while I tried really hard to pay attention while sitting in her very cool craft room), and letting me borrow a cartridge until I can get my own, she and I headed over to the Knit Nuts meeting.

We enjoyed a different venue this week, and the sandwiches were very good. We even managed to squeeze in a "field trip" to the ladies room where we took my new glow-in-the-dark yarn that Connie picked up for me and we were all amazed at its glow.

After working on yet another Superman Sweater piece and enjoying my fellow Knit Nuts' projects (and some really good conversation), I headed home, where after dinner, you know I HAD to play with my new toy! Below, the CriCut at work...

Last topic...

What an election day...historical. I'm a little disappointed Little Man won't be the first biracial President of the United States, but we were excited to watch the election results. I bet my Pop would have had lots to say. Now, to elect a woman president, I'm going to get working on that, that's something I want to see in my lifetime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow..the CriCut machine..a real CraftChicks dream toy! It seems easy to use,so,enjoy! Exactly WHAT kind of buggie did Little Man get? I see Daddy had the fun of helping collect the buggie! Aren't the fall colors just like a free gift for all of us to enjoy?
Love,as always, Grandma North