Monday, November 3, 2008


Wow, I have so much to share, but I thought I'd start with Halloween. We only carved our pumpkin the night before this year since last year we did it at the beginning of October and by Halloween it was rotten. With high temps this year too, we waited. Plus, honestly, I couldn't get into the Halloween spirit. As I drew the face on the pumpkin, and then Hubby and I carved it, I thought of these photos from 1989, when my Pop, brother, sister and I were on pumpkin duty (and my Mom was obviously on camera duty).

Yes, I know the hair is hilarious...moving on....

Little Man chose the face he wanted from a book (he specifically wanted scary, although it wound up too scary for his liking).

Little Man thought the innards were icky, just like we did as kids (and I still do).

Little Man went as a Carolina Panther again this year. The costume was a bit on the pricey side so using it 2 years in a row worked out, plus since he's in a different school we didn't feel bad that he wore the same one. He loves this outfit, he often wears the helmet while he watches football. Anyway, he really got into trick-or-treating this year, even though the majority of the houses weren't offering candy (we went to four). He had a little lantern to carry and made sure we held his hand so he wouldn't feel scared.

And when we got home we read some Halloween books, he had some candy and then we tucked him in (after he asked if he could trick or treat tomorrow).


Connie said...

Are you that little one to the left of your dad? How cute!!! I love carving pumpkins and did many when my children were small, so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Luckily I was on camera duty...don't even want to think of what I looked like back then! Traditions are great and I'm glad to see Hubby gets into it and Little Man enjoys it..even if the innards are cold and yucky!

Anonymous said...

Your pumpkin turned out awesome! My hair is so tall in those pics!! heehee, the good old days..
