Monday, December 11, 2017

Beyond Measure Package

I've followed Beyond Measure in the UK on Instagram for a while now and I've admired the lovely notions that she ships all around the world. There was one thing I saw again and again that I never made it to her shop fast enough for, but I one day I learned how to have Instagram notify me of posts from specific accounts I follow and was FINALLY quick enough!

When I ordered I added some glass head pins (they are really beautiful and I find every so often a few pins added to what I have isn't a bad idea since they get bent, misplaced, etc).

I also added some copper colored bulb pins which I can use as stitch markers when knitting. I already have some in black but thought the lighter color might make it easier to see when working with dark yarn.

Then, separately wrapped in gorgeous light blue tissue paper...was a hand-hewn pin-cushion with teal tapestry fabric...just what I asked for. The shop has a local wood artisan that makes the wooden bases, but they are so popular they can only be made in batches and they are REALLY small batches! I wanted to ask for this item as a birthday present but wound up ordering it myself because it was tough to get an order in. The upside to ordering it myself was that I was able to open it right away and not wait for my birthday (that's not cheating, right?)

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