Hubby was away Thursday-Friday and when he got back we had yard work to do, cleaning that I hadn't finished, and grocery shopping. My husband invited everyone from his family over for a barbecue on Saturday. The only ones who showed up were his sister Angela, her husband Vernon, her daughter Antwenetta, their friends Shirley and Anthony (who brought their children Shereena (6) and Antoine (8) and their nephew Malik (4)), his brother John, and his nephew's children Ariel (7)and Christian (2). They arrived around 4:30 and we had the kids playing on the slippy slide for quite a while.
After we got back I tried to relax since the cold I have has left me wiped out. Then it was time to socialize again when we had our neighbors over for steaks. I figured it was better to have both the events the same weekend for 2 reasons: 1. the house is currently immaculate and won't stay that way without a lot of effort long, and 2. bar review starts tomorrow and I won't have time to worry about the house being clean and cooking at the same time for a couple of months. After we stuffed ourselves, looked at some photos, showed Jean the changes to the house (she lives two houses away and was the realtor we bought the house through), and ate some Dutch apple pie a la mode (Jean brought the pie), they headed up the street and Little Man got a bath and went to bed. Then Hubby and I watched "The Painted Veil," with Naomi Watts and Edward Norton. I liked it, the visuals were beautiful and the story was romantic and depressing at the same time. Not the best I've ever seen but I didn't feel like I had wasted 2 hours either. While I watched I finished seaming the second sleeve of Little Man's birthday sweater on. Oh how I hate seaming!
I know there haven't been a lot of craft photos in the last week (despite this blog being craft-focused), so here is one to hold you over until the finale photo, which will hopefully be up by tomorrow or the next day.
And today you ask, what did I do today? I slept in (my sinuses are killing me). And then the hubby and I went to the movies for the first time since November! We saw Spider-Man 3! And we really enjoyed it! YAAAAYYYY!!! Hubby's sister watched Little Man for a couple of hours at our house and when we got back I worked on teaching her daughter how to knit. Then we ate leftovers and now we are watching Pearl Harbor and I'm going to get to work finishing the seaming I have left to do (YUCK!)
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