What a day!
Got up this morning, put on my snazzy suit, had breakfast with my guys, and headed to the city. I don't like downtown, it always makes me anxious to get around, the traffic patterns are crazy, but today, I had a perfect drive in. Got right where I needed to be. Parked, and walked to the courthouse, went through security, found the courtroom and was the first one to check-in. I had Courthouse 101 in the new Mecklenburg County Courthouse. Very informative. Very impressive.
Then after that was over I met hubby for hibachi. We decompressed at our house for half an hour before heading to my swearing-in ceremony. Again we drove into the city, again, not one problem. I checked in, we found seats, listened to others being introduced to the presiding judges, I was introduced by my friend Elena (also a lawyer), I took the oath, I filled out the forms, I checked out the reception, and then...
I went to Barnes and Noble where I proceeded to stand in line for the next hour and a half waiting to meet Nicholas Sparks (author of The Notebook, Message in a Bottle, etc.). He was SO NICE! He posed for a photo, shook my hand, signed my book, chatted...I LIKE HIM EVEN MORE NOW!!!
I am exhausted! I am now sitting here watching Grey's Anatomy (I've already cried once...three blinks for I Love You...and laughed too..."I want to take it back but I've already said it") and I'm trying to relax since tomorrow is another day (You've got to love Scarlett O'Hara) and another adventure is waiting. We are heading to Atlanta to visit friends. Photos from today and more fun stories to come on Monday.
P.S. By the way, you can call me Craft Chick, Esq. now...I am legally able to practice law.
Hey!! Congrats...Esq.!
Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment.
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