Currently I am halfway finished with the Mini Sweater ornament for Little Man for Christmas. I am basing it on the Mini Weasley pattern in Charmed Knits. I have to pick up stitches for the sleeves and the funnel neck, and it should be done in not too long. I am using the yarn that I made his birthday sweater in so they'll match.
I'm also about 90% done with the pink fuzzy scarf I cast-on for myself back in the first months I had been knitting. The yarn was a complete lapse in judgment since while I like thinking of wearing pink and being cutesy, that really is just not me. I wear pink, but a pink fuzzy scarf isn't going to happen. But, I will own one, and soon it will be finished.
Next up project-wise is the Pirate buddy Bag for Little Man. I have the knit portion of the bag done, now I need to line it and make the finger puppet and that will be a FO hopefully by the weekend.
You may remember that the Buddy Bag is made using the pattern by Anny Purls that I made some changes to. Her bag calls for stripes but I decided to do a water line for the sailboat. I duplicate stitched waves on. The navy blue portion of the boat is actually a pocket and I will be making a felt pirate finger puppet to sit in it. The original pattern has a knit teddy bear finger puppet (with instructions) but since we're into pirates right now, I'm changing it. You can download her pattern for this and three other included buddy bags at her website or at Ravelry (her username is annypurls).
I also have glasses to etch with the Superman symbol sometime in the next week for somebody's Christmas present. And I participated in the Stitch Marker Exchange. I received stitch markers and I made a set that went to someone else. I also made matching earrings. Here is the receiver's photo from her blog:

And then there is the project that sends chills through many a knitter...a project with 43 little pieces, 86 ends to be woven in, countless seams to be can only be Barnacle Bill.

Here is Barnacle Bill. I blocked quite a few of the pieces to help the seaming process. As of right now I have his body sewn and stuffed, which means I still have 42 pieces to battle before he looks like a pirate. (By the way, what is blocked above does not include quite a few pieces I did not bother blocking). Man, it really sucks having to assemble, doesn't it?
Meanwhile, Ravelry is feeding my addiction to finding new projects and I may have to limit my browsing to certain days of the week. Oh, and I found a project to make for Little Man and his cousin for Christmas. (Christmas 2008 that is...) Stay tuned for photos of what I will be making for the boys for next Christmas!
1 comment:
Love the stitch markers and your pirate bag is very cute! Man, I was defeated just looking at all those little pieces blocking, needing to be sewn together. I'm really glad it's not me having to do all the finishing, but good on you for doing it!
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