Sunday, August 24, 2008

I May Be A Little Crazy...

Because only a mother who is a little crazy would purchase a toy trumpet for her son. That is the kind of gift you get for a child who doesn't live with you. But he's been asking for one for weeks, and after looking all over I came across one on Amazon. After one wrong shipment his trumpet arrived and he's been making music ever since, with Hubby and I playing backup on some other instruments. Little Man started school today, and had his once a week music class that they have there, where he learned about violins. It was so great to have him come home talking about specific things he learned and did today, let's hope it continues. I know the guinea pig made quite an impression.

On Saturday, I headed to the Charlotte Purls meeting, where I dropped off the 6 washcloths I made for our charity kal.

And I took the second sock session and finished the class sock which is a little sock that teaches you how to knit the separate sections of a sock.

And, again proving I'm a little crazy, I started working on the chart portion of the Superman sweater I am knitting for my nephew...

seeing all of these ends and bobbins, wouldn't you be a little crazy too?


Sinéad said...

I love the Superman sweater but don't envy you the weaving in afterwards...
You're very brave buying little man the trumpet, I remember someone gave my daughter a harmonica when she was about 3. Yeah, that sucker didn't last long.
Hope he's getting on great in school!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Marcus will be beaming with joy! The trumpet,which he can give Litle Man pointers on...and that great of Marcus' heroes..even in real life.

Connie said...

All of your dishcloth's look great and they are not just plain dishcloth's but beautiful patterns! Superman is coming along great too!

Anonymous said...

Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am certainly happy to discover this. great job!