I had traveling to do for my case, and lots of packing to do; but on Saturday the 20th we got up at 5:30 to pack the car and hit the road. The weather was a little touchy, but we made it there in decent time and were able to sit down and eat with my Mom for company.
The next day Little Man was excited to see a dusting of snow outside. While we were going to meet a friend of mine at IKEA (my Mom had never been there, and my friend Julia, Hubby and I love to eat lunch there) we knew we had to get Little Man out in that snow since the weather was supposed to warm up by that afternoon which would probably melt the snow. So he donned some cowboy boots a family friend brought over for him and out we went. He had a blast. The snow wasn't the kind you could pack (so no snowmen or snowballs) but it was enough for him! It made me think of how when my brother, sister and I were little it would never have occurred to us that some little kids don't get to play in snow...I think we may have to take Little Man to the mountains so he gets in some snow time...
Later Sunday evening my brother and nephew came over to my Mom's house and we played and had dinner. The boys both put on their Superman sweaters (see, I really did make 2!) and played superheroes. Later, after my brother and nephew left and Little Man was bathed and went to bed, my Mom and I watched the Hallmark channel while Hubby watched the Panthers play, and then we turned in.
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas vacation!
And the sweaters together...AWESOME!!!! :oD
They look sooo happy in their sweaters and I know you wouldn't give anything for those smiles! They made all that hard work so worth it!
Looks like the little guys enjoyed their superhero sweaters!
Glad you had a nice Christmas and Happy New Year!
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